My interest in psychism led me to set up a simple method so that I could test my telekinetic abilities (mind affecting matter). I constructed a pinwheel device in which a square of folded paper is balanced on the end of an upright pin that's pushed through a cork that supports it, and the paper can spin freely. This device sits on a shelf in a corner of the room where it's out of the way of breezes and can be clearly seen from wherever I am in the room. This way, I can test myself at any time at my leisure.
I chose this device because telekinetic abilities are usually very weak in most people, and so the least amount of physical force needed to show telekinetic effects are preferable. It's only the friction of the paper on the pin that needs to be overcome, which is a lot less than trying to move a heavy object that requires a lot more kinetic energy.
In my earliest tests, I used my hands and fingers as the energy output points and kept them fairly close to the device, about six to eighteen inches away, and imagined energy from my fingertips pushing against the pinwheel. After not very long in trying, I was able to move the paper sporadically, and only in one direction, eventually making more than one revolution. This was slow and took a fairly long time, but in that time the pinwheel never reversed itself - it would move a little bit counterclockwise (my chosen direction), then stop and waver before moving a little more in the same direction. It seemed like I was keeping it from spinning in the opposite direction whenever it wavered, and readjusting my focus on it would start it moving in the desired direction again.
What I noticed almost immediately was that any slight movements of my hands or fingers usually caused a reciprocal slight movement or stop of the pinwheel. Also, the variation in the distance seemed to have an effect, as though there were certain distances that were more conducive to these telekinetic effects than others. These observations have continued over a number of years now, and I'm finding that there's a certain balancing act that must be kept up between focus and position. Exact positioning and stillness of the hand or body while concentrating on what I'm trying to do seem to be vitally important. Even very slight movements out of position have an effect. This has led me to consider that there might be certain positions or locations that are more conducive than others (which seems to be the case), and that these positions or locations are affected by natural emanations from the Earth itself, or which are otherwise flowing through those particular areas more freely than in their immediate surroundings. This idea is supported by what is already known about ley lines and power spots on Earth's surface, as well as the work of Wilhelm Reich in studying a subtle energy he called 'orgone'. I've also found that these stronger and weaker areas of energy are either very close together (within millimeters), or are always immediately adjacent to areas of opposite energies. Moving between two such positions of opposite energies that are very close to each other can cause the pinwheel to waver back and forth or rock very slightly. I've been able to keep it rocking for up to ten minutes steady, or to push it in one direction in very small increments.
It should be pointed out that slight air currents in the room can cause the pinwheel to move as well, so in all my experiments I make sure that there are no such currents. To assure that these aren't what are causing the pinwheel to move, I've hung a strand of thread from the ceiling so it hangs near the pinwheel, so that any air currents will move the thread as well. I have yet to see the thread move when the pinwheel does. I also watch both the pinwheel and the thread from time to time without attempting to do anything, just to see how easily they move at other times. When there are breezes, they both move quite easily, but the pinwheel tends to move randomly in both directions, back and forth. For this reason, in my tests I always attempt to keep it moving in only one direction, and this is precisely what it will do
I've also noticed that my physiological state has a definite effect on these tests. When I'm tired, the energy is weak, and when I'm feeling exceptionally alive and vibrant it's particularly strong. I've also noticed that physical exertion prior to doing any tests seems to bring the energy up. Recently wetted hands also seem to interfere with telekinetic abilities.
Another thing that I've noticed is that as soon as I see the pinwheel start to move, my natural inclination is to stop concentrating on making it move and instead to analyze the movement just produced, and this causes the pinwheel to suddenly stop. When I focus my attention back on moving it, it responds again. This suggests that the logical faculties (left-brain activity) interrupt the effect, which shows that psychic abilities rely on the temporary suspension of these faculties.
Whether the movement of the pinwheel is caused by energy emitting from a person's body or by energy currents flowing throughout the space around us, or something else entirely, my experiments with the pinwheel have so far produced clear evidence that there is a subtle force that we can direct over at least short distances to influence the movement of physical objects by small degrees. The ability to influence distant objects through this force seems to increase relatively quickly with time and practice, indicating that a person's sensitivity to the energy only needs to be recognized and made familiar in order to be able to begin to control it.
Over time, I've tested myself at further distances from the pinwheel with equal success. I've also used just my eyes, rather than my hands and fingers, as the energy output points, with equal success.
I've spent some time feeling out the subtle energies involved and I'm getting familiar with coaxing the pinwheel to move by imagining this energy extending from my fingers or eyes and flowing to the pinwheel to strike it or stream past along its side edge to skim it and push it to spinning as the energy stream passed close to it. I find that the pinwheel will often respond better when I do this. I've also noticed that there are certain points on the pinwheel that, when focused on, more easily cause it to move than other points.
Often, when I've been spending some time and effort in attempting to move the pinwheel in a particular direction but with little success in making it move at all, immediately after I break my concentration the pinwheel moves significantly in the opposite direction to the one I was trying to move it in, sometimes for several revolutions.
Throughout all my tests, I've been able to discern certain subtle differences between success and failure that have to do with the mental activity that's going on at any given time during an experiment. I've noted that success requires a somewhat dissociated state of mind, in that there should be no analytical thoughts whatsoever, and only the thought of the wheel moving as I would like it to. As soon as a slight movement occurs, it's a natural response to note the fact, and this causes me to make a comparison of its present position with its former position, in effect taking a measurement, which introduces the mind's logical processing, and this interferes with psychic functioning. This can all occur in fractions of a second, but through practice and experience, I've gained a greater awareness that it's taking place, and I can clearly see the relationship between the mind's state and the effect it has (or doesn't have) on the pinwheel. When my mind is not making any analytical observations, and is simply focused on a mental image of the wheel turning as desired while I'm staring at it, the wheel will begin to move. The motion is usually very slight at first, and this seems to be because I tend to react to the movement, bringing in the analytical mind, and this causes the movement to cease immediately. These two opposing mental states and their effects on the pinwheel can be observed quite easily now that I've become aware of them. My automatic reaction to analyze each movement tends to cause the pinwheel to start and stop in tiny motions, but it always moves in the direction intended, which signifies that a telekinetic effect is taking place.
It should also be noted that sometimes the pinwheel will tend to move in the opposite direction to that desired, but otherwise moves just as well, and it's my belief at this point that this is due to the fact that there are both positive and negative energies at work here, with one predominating over the other. The cause of this might be any combination of my mental attitude, my biological condition, and naturally occurring geophysical effects.
I notice that most of the time the pinwheel moves ever so slightly and I lose focus before it moves more than a few millimeters or so, and it often settles immediately back to its original position (but not always) when my focus is lost. It seems as though a very weak force is being exerted that is hardly strong enough to move the pinwheel at all, and longer periods of proper mental focus are required to move the wheel to any significant degree.
That these short movements result in the wheel immediately returning to its original position is odd, and I've wondered if this is just a trick of the eye, but I've been testing this, and have found several factors that indicate it's not any sort of illusion. First of all, these slight movements don't always follow with an immediate return to its original position, but just stops where it is until it moves a little more in the same direction, eventually moving a noticeable amount. When each slight movement is countered by a return to the original position, this will persist, whereas when it doesn't return, the movements are otherwise just the same. Second, my awareness of my mental state and its immediate effect are associated with the movements and counter-movements, and it can be observed that the mental state precedes the respective physical response in the wheel. It is my attempts to check that the wheel actually moved that causes it to just as quickly return to its original position, and it's when I stop analyzing or thinking about what's going on that it moves. I can see the wheel move just as soon as I visualize it moving, and stop just as soon as I analyze the movement.
Feedback is an important factor in developing psychic abilities, but in this case, it interferes too soon. It is too immediate, and the act of analyzing the first signs of movement of the pinwheel can easily become a habit that gets harder and harder to break if you don't catch yourself early enough and fight the urge to do so. In a way, fighting this urge is like practicing meditation, in that you must avoid engaging in all thoughts other than the one that you are meditating on.
Since I started experimenting with the pinwheel, I've noticed a definite improvement in my abilities. Although they're still not very strong, I've found that they're coming more under my control as I get a feel for them and learn what tends to work most effectively for me. Much of my learning is guided by intuition, which is appropriate, since this comes to us through the psychic channels.
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